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Chronicle Yearbook 2017 Pdf Free Download

The authoritative reference work on the UN System

The Yearbook of the United Nations

The Yearbook of the United Nations—published by the Department of Global Communications—stands as the authoritative reference work on the activities and concerns of the Organization. Based on official UN documents, the Yearbook provides comprehensive coverage of political and security matters, human rights issues, economic and social questions, legal issues, and institutional, administrative and budgetary matters.

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YUN 2014 cover

Yearbook Pre-press

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The Yearbook Pre-press complements the published Yearbook collection, offering draft chapters or detailed chapter research outlines from Yearbooks currently in production. The Pre-press is updated frequently as new material becomes available.

Yearbook Express

Yearbook Express logo

Welcome to the multilingual Yearbook Express! The Express features the chapter introductions of recent Yearbooks, along with the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization in those years, in all six UN official languages.

Yearbook News

Norhan Basuni (right), CUNY Baccalaureate student and witness of the pro-democracy events in Tahrir Square, Egypt, speaks at a press conference,

Protestors erupted on 25 May, after video footage went viral on social media of a white police officer in the city of Minneapolis, United States, kneeling on the neck of African-American George Floyd, causing his death while in police custody.

Eliminating racism: time for change

The death of George Floyd in May 2020 galvanized people worldwide to protest racism and discrimination and prompted global discussions on racial justice, including at the United Nations, which has advocated for human rights and racial equality since its inception.

About the Yearbook

2014 YUN cover

The 2014 Yearbook

TheYearbook of the United Nations—published by the Department of Global Communications—stands as the authoritative reference work on the activities and concerns of the Organization. Based on official UN documents, the Yearbook provides comprehensive coverage of political and security matters, human rights issues, economic and social questions, legal issues, and institutional, administrative and budgetary matters.

The 2014 Yearbook The sixty-eighth volume of the Yearbook of the United Nations presents the work of the United Nations in dealing with recurring conflicts with severe humanitarian consequences in the Middle East, including in the Syrian Arab Republic, where more than 12 million people were in need of basic food, clothing and shelter. The volume also highlights the Organization's rapid response to an escalatory global health emergency—the Ebola virus disease outbreak across West Africa. It documents the Organization's coordination of policy discussions to finalize a global sustainable development agenda, with the security of future generations as the core concern; and its efforts to rebuild societies emerging from conflict while keeping the fragile peace in other places. It further details the entry into force of the landmark Arms Trade Treaty, the missile downing of a passenger airliner in the midst of a geopolitical crisis in eastern Ukraine, and securing international human rights and humanitarian law and prosecuting its abusers.

The Yearbook cover

The Yearbook of the United Nations has served as the Organization's flagship reference work since 1947, and looking back at the illustrated Yearbook covers provides a unique perspective on more than 60 years of developments in visual design. These covers have regularly reflected the culture of their time, while alluding to the wealth of information on UN activities and concerns contained within each volume...

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